There are plans to film the story of Lex Barker's life. On this page I want to keep you informed about the progress of this project!
Kama-Media GmbH is now running as Filmwerk Medienproduktion, so the links on this page do no longer work. I will renew them as soon as possible and I hope I can keep you informed.
More filming in Berlin!
Another good news today: in Berlin Kama-Media interviewed Zan Barker as another contribution to the documentary of Lex Barker's life. More infos can be found here:Filming in Berlin.
New hope!
New activities to shoot a documentary about Lex Barker's life are published by Kama-Media: News by Kama-Media. Keep your fingers crossed that the project will be successful! More can be found on the officiell website: Filming in Croatia.
Latest News:
An interview has been made with Tita, Lex' widow, more interviews are planned - so it looks like the documentation will really be ready some time!
The documentation about Lex Barker's life is now planned to be realized on the occasion of Lex Barker's 90th birthday in 2009. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this project will actually come!
Additional infos see Kama-Media!
On request Kama-Media told me that the plans of filming Lex Barker's life are still under way but decisions about the start of the shooting have not yet been made. But there is still great interest in realising this project.
I hope that shooting will start as soon as possible and will keep you informed!
Production company KAMA-Media which already shot the documentation "Auf den Spuren Winnetous", plans to film the story of Lex Barker's life. The project is in early stage yet so it will last until 2006 at least before it will be realised. :-(
Original note by KAMA-Media:
Treffen mit Christopher Barker:
Am Rande der Dreharbeiten trifft das Team
von KAMA Media Christopher Barker. Mit dem Sohn des
Hollywood-Schauspielers Lex Barker wird ein weiteres spannendes Projekt
der Filmgschichte besprochen. Die Verfilmung des Lebens von Lex Barker.
Dem deutschen Kino- und Filmpublikum ist Barker als Darsteller des
Tarzan oder des Old Shatterhand in den Karl-May-Verfilmungen der 60er
Jahre noch gut bekannt. Christopher Barker wird KAMA Media bei der
Dokumentation unterstützen. Als Co-Autor wird Rainer Boller, der
die erfolgreiche Biografie über Lex Barker geschrieben hat und den
Kontakt zu Barker vermittelt hat, fungieren.
Meeting with Christopher Barker:
The KAMA Media team met with Christopher Barker on the set of a documentary (about Martin Böttcher, composer of the Karl-May-movie soundtrack). A new exciting project is discussed with Lex Barker's son: a documentary about Lex Barker's life. Barker is still very well known in Germany as Tarzan and (mainly) as Old Shatterhand in the Karl-May movies of the 60ies. Christopher Barker will support KAMA Media with this documentary. Co-author will be Reiner Boller who wrote the successful biography about Lex Barker and made the contact to Christopher Barker.
I hope there will be more and of course positive news about this exciting project and will keep you informed!
Keep your fingers crossed that this plan will become true!
Thanks to Mr. Boller for this information and his great interest in Lex Barker and his life!
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Print version | Last edited on: 02.02.2022 |