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La Vendetta dei Thugs


After their escape from the Thugs (see I Misteri della Giungla Nera) Tremal Naik, Captain MacPherson and his daughter Ada try to reach the river where a boat is waiting for them. But unfortunately they are caught again and brought to the subterranean temple of Kali, where Suyodhana practises their cruel sacrifices. MacPherson is killed by the Thugs and Kammamuri is stung by a giant scorpion, losing his memory and becoming a "body without a soul", being completely apathetic. Nevertheless Tremal and Kammamuri manage to escape and they are able to reach the river and the English's boat.

Back in Balwapur Major Kennedy and Sergeant Claridge don't believe Tremal's story particularly because he had already tried to kill Captain MacPherson earlier. They consider him to be MacPherson's killer and he is sentenced to work in the quarry. But Kammamuri's wife Sulima helps Tremal escape and accompanies him to the Thugs temple to free Ada.

Suyodhana is already waiting for Tremal and takes them prisoner. Tremal helps the women escape and sends them back to the Garrison, where they ask for help. Tremal beats Suyodhana in a duel and Suyodhana falls into a pit filled with poisonous snakes. At last the English soldiers arrive for help, saving Tremal, Kammamuri and Major Kennedy from a horrible death. Tremal's reputation is now reestablished and he will have a peaceful life together with Ada. (By the way: Kammamuri is healed from his apathy — however I didn't quite get how and why).

The endless captures and escapes are somewhat fatigable at last and the heroes could have done things a lot smarter. Anyway both movies are quite entertaining, only the jungle atmosphere is not very convincing except for the tame tiger.

I have this movie in English only, the first part, I Misteri della Giungla Nera, in French, so you can easily compare the two dubbing voices. Lex doesn't speak himself here, he is dubbed by an English dubbing actor!



Tremal Naik (dubbed in English),
Sound file of English dubbing actor (61 Kb), Sound file of English dubbing actor (64 Kb), Sound file of English dubbing actor (153 Kb), Sound file of English dubbing actor (148 Kb)
Captain MacPherson
Sergeant Claridge
Major Kennedy




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