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It's been a long time since you surfed by? Here you can find older updates:


2018-02-04 New entry in guestbook: New form for entries in my guestbook is ready
2015-10-04 Dubbing: Link to Czech homepage with dubbing actors
2014-12-24 Travel reports: X-mas special: travel report from Lex' Villa in Croatia
2014-02-23 Mr. Dynamit - Morgen küßt Euch der Tod: Hint on BND publication added
2012-05-08 Parry Lodge nowadays: Just on time for Lex' birthday: a short travel report on Parry Lodge (from the movie "The Girl in Black Stockings" nowadays!
2011-05-08 Rudi-Carrell Show: YouTube video on Rudi-Carrell page, see here!
2011-01-23 Dubbing: movie parts with Lex' Czech dubbing actor Vladimír Ráž
2010-05-24 I Misteri della Giungla Nera: New movie description with pics and sound files in French.
2010-05-24 La Vendetta dei Thugs: New movie description with pics and sound files in English.
2010-05-09 I Pirati della Costa: Sound files and new pics added
2010-01-31 Woman Times Seven: New movie description with pics and sound files of Lex and two German dubbing actors
2010-01-17 Pyramid of the Sun God: New movie description with pictures
2009-07-20 Treasure of the Aztecs: New movie description with pics
2009-06-07 Links: New link zu Gustavo Rojo site
2009-04-11 La Scimitarra del Saraceno: New movie description with pics
2008-08-01 The Strange Awakening: New movie description with pics and soundfiles
2008-03-30 Tales of Tomorrow, ep. "Red Dust": New movie description and original sound file
2008-03-28 Documentary film about Lex Barkers life: News by Kama-Media about the Barker documentary.
2007-12-24 Doll Face: New movie description: Doll Face, with pics and sound file
2007-12-09 Do You Love Me?: New movie description with picture
2007-11-21 Thunder over the Plains: More pics added, new sound files German and English
2007-11-14 Mr. Blandings builds his Dream House: New movie description with pics
2007-11-13 Documentary film about Lex Barkers life: News about Barker docu
2007-08-18 Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome: New movie description with pictures and original sound bites
2007-08-15 Soundbites: New very rare picture of Lex and René Giessen, the man who played the mouth organ melody of Lex' record!
2007-06-04 Links: New link to Australian site "Australian Friends of Karl May".
2006-11-26 Tarzan's Peril: New pictures and better movie description
2006-11-26 News and tidbits: New site for news and tidbits!
2006-09-24 Filmography: Some guest appearances added
2006-07-30 Wenn du bei mir bist: Better movie description, pictures and sound files added.
2006-07-05 Il Figlio del Corsaro Rosso: Better description, new pics, soundtrack, soundfiles of German dubbing actor added
2006-06-03 Aoom: Description of 2nd movie of the DVD box inserted
2006-05-29 Crossfire: Better movie description with pictures and better sound file
2006-05-20 The Castle of the Walking Dead: Finally managed: better movie description, new pictures, additional soundfiles of German dubbing actor, and soundfiles with Lex' own voice! See Soundbites, too
2006-05-14 Film formats: New page about film formats
2006-01-20 Guestbook: The guestbook is spam proof now, everything else should work as usual
2005-12-11 Il Terrore della Maschera Rossa: movie description with pics and sound files of the German dubbing actor
2005-08-28 Last of the Renegades: New sound files German and English
2005-08-28 Apache Gold: New sound files German and English
2005-08-28 Treasure of Silver Lake: New sound files German and English
2005-08-28 Half Breed: New sound files German and English
2005-07-24 Away All Boats: Soundfile of German dubbing actor
2005-07-06 Concert "Western Classics" in Luzern: New: Picture with Christopher Barker! Concert Western Classics in Luzern
2005-05-01 Der Schut: Movie description with pictures and sound file of German dubbing actor
2005-04-09 Il Cavaliere dei Cento Volti: Pics and sound file (German) added to summary
2005-03-29 Il Boia di Venezia: Movie description with pictures and sound file
2005-02-25 Le Carnaval des Barbouzes: Movie description with pictures and sound file
2005-01-16 Capitan Fuoco: Movie summary with pictures and sound files
2004-12-28 Winnetou und Shatterhand im Tal der Toten: Movie description with pictures and sound file!
2004-12-12 Frauenarzt Dr. Sibelius: New movie description with pictures!
2004-10-31 Old Shatterhand: New movie description with pictures!
2004-03-11 El Secreto de los Hombres Azules: New description with pictures
05-01-2004 All pages: New layout and new address!


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